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Religion in Egypt(1900-2100)

May 2024 22
Religion in Egypt(1900-2100)I need your support for growing this channel🙏💖 Religion in Egypt(1900-2100) #religioninegypt #religioninegypt2100 #islaminegypt #christianityinegypt #historyofegypt #piramid Religion in Egypt controls many aspects of social life and is endorsed by law. The state religion of Egypt is Islam. Although estimates vary greatly in the absence of official statistics. Since the 2006 census religion has been excluded, and thus available statistics are estimates made by religious and non-governmental agencies. The country is majority Sunni Muslim (estimated to be 85-95% of the population), with the next largest religious group being Coptic Orthodox Christians (with estimates ranging from 5- 15%). The exact numbers......

25 facts you need to know about Egypt! Gods, mummies, mysteries.

May 2024 16
25 facts you need to know about Egypt! Gods, mummies, mysteries.EGYPT With its thousands of years of history, pyramids whose mysteries remain unsolved to this day, and the enigmatic rivers of the Nile that carry its secrets, Egypt has been a fascinating attraction for many. So, how much do you know about Egypt? How about going on a pleasant, yet mysterious journey together? Egypt, officially the Arab Republic of Egypt, is one of the oldest places where people settled and built a great civilization. It is a transcontinental country in the northeast of Africa and southwest of Asia, covering the Sinai Peninsula. Today, Egypt is the most populous Arab country......