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Pre-Historic African Religions are MIND BLOWING | 4K DOCUMENTARY

Jul 2024 31
Pre-Historic African Religions are MIND BLOWING | 4K DOCUMENTARYPlease Consider joining my Patreon to help finding scholars to bring on. Any amount helps me. Thank you existing Patrons. 2nd Channel: Follow me on Twitter: Discord: Lucy, the discovery of this 3.2 million-year-old fossil skeleton was such a monumental breakthrough and what it meant for our understanding of human evolution. In 1974, a team of researchers led by the renowned paleoanthropologist Dr. Donald Johanson made a groundbreaking find in the Afar region of Hadar, Ethiopia. They unearthed an almost complete fossil skeleton belonging to an early human ancestor of our species, whom they affectionately named Lucy after the Beatles'......

Practical Spirituality and Black Majick with E.A. Koetting Part 2 of 6

Mar 2024 18
Practical Spirituality and Black Majick with E.A. Koetting Part 2 of 6Practical Spirituality and Black Majick with E.A. Koetting Part 1 E.A. Koetting has spent the last fifteen years studying, practicing, and immersing himself in the spiritual arts, not restricted to any particular paradigm, but finding answers to the greatest questions in every faith and spiritual path, from the holy to the blasphemous, from the heights of the Vedas and the teachings of the Masters to the secret rituals of Black Magick. While gaining his own insights and knowledge into the mysteries of existence, E.A. is equally obsessed with sharing what he has learned, either through his books, seminars, and workshops,......

GoPro: Cave Explorer’s Near Death Experience

Nov 2022 15
GoPro: Cave Explorer’s Near Death ExperienceVereran cave explorer Robbie Schmittner describes his closest brush with death in his 17 years of diving in the caves and sinkholes of the Yucatan. Shot 100% on the HERO4® camera from ‪ A very special thanks to: Robbie Schmittner, Toddy Waelde, Guillermo De Anda, Dante Garcia, Bil Phillips, Jim Coke, Jeff Clark, Gosia Pytel, Brian Wiederspan, Jeanna Edgerton, Adair Crow, Maria Noel Zisa, Marty O'Farrell Thank you to the Instituto Nacional de Anthropología e Historia (INAH) for the kind support in the creation and presentation of this project. INAH Researcher – Guillermo de Anda, Ph.D The Quintana Roo Speleological......