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Philosophy and the Afterlife; Life, Death and Rebirth

Feb 2024 11

In this video we look at the concepts of , the afterlife and reincarnation through the lens of process- and organic cosmology.
#integral #philosophy # #integral #videoessay #neardeathexperience #reincarnation #humanconsciousness #lifeafterdeath #afterlife # # #grief #reincarnation #philosophy #rupertsheldrake #immortality #metaphysicalinsights #metaphysics # #lifeafterdeath #heaven #hell #neardeathexperiences #neardeath #neardeathexperience #copingwithgrief #copingwithloss “ beyond ” “immortality of the soul” “reincarnation” “past-life memories” “afterlife encounters” “post- experiences” “past-life regression therapy” “what happens after death” “understanding death” “life after death experience”

Chris Carter Science and the Afterlife Experience: Evidence for the Immortality of Consciousness

Chris Carter Science and the Near-Death Experience: How Consciousness Survives Death

John Cobb The Metaphysical Possibility of Life After Death

Rupert Sheldrake Morphic Resonance Playlist


--CopyRights: https://heruinterface.com/philosophy-and-the-afterlife-life-death-and-rebirth/


  1. #1
  2. #2

    Here's my theory…. We have religion, philosophies and fantasies of an afterlife because people are afraid to die. When humans became self-conscious death must have freaked them out. Like everything else it was simply an act of nature and like thunder and lightning humans attributed it to a greater power. There's no universal consciousness, no supernatural entities. When you die you are dead. Sorry

  3. #3

    Can we communicate with the dead to understand science in the after life? After all. The deceased are still Dark energy??

  4. #4

    Fascinating, ive always felt there is more to reality than meets the eye, you referred to dr bernardo kestrup idealism, im a big fan of bernardo, however, i feel there is a lot more that we may never know until our pass

  5. #5

    The problem is life, its the biggest cause of death, life is in its self a terminal disease. However today we have the technology of turning of the ageing process at lets say thirty, then with a bit of tweaking of the cell reproduction process extend life more or less indefinitely. Unfortunately there's nothing we can do about accidental death murder,war or suicide. I find the idea of immortality more terrifying than death, I've seen my fair share of death and destruction, the idea of seeing all that for an eternity would be unbearable. Thanks for the documentary.

  6. #6

    From Death we are born

  7. #7

    I cannot grasp the concept of "nothing". In fact, i don't believe it's possible.

  8. #8

    To many people have had certain things crammed down their throat as an adolescent….they will, without knowing, trend towards theses things

  9. #9

    " Ordinarily when a person dies, it is only his physical body that dies, he and his mind do not die with the body. Ordinarily the mind of the dying person goes with him, and for a little while after death he retains all his memory of his previous life. It is like what happens with our dreams. After you wake up from sleep you remember your dreams for a little while. Slowly the memory of dreams begins to fade and by noontime it fades away completely. And by the even ing you cannot say even a word about them.

    Although you dream in your sleep, in your unconscious state, yet on waking you can clearly recall a few fragments of your dreams, particularly the latter part of your last dream. It happens because in the latter part of your sleep you begin to wake up and you are only half asleep. You can remember the dreams fully or partly that visit you in your half-asleep and half-waking state. But even this memory does not last long; as hours pass it disappears. In the same way a man's bodiless soul remembers its previous life, its friends and relatives for a little while after his death. And this memory is rather painful, because he cannot relate with them any more.

    It is for this reason that we do a few things. Soon after someone close to us meets his death, so that he is relieved of the memories of his past associations and attachments. Now it is not good to carry them, because they are very painful. Hindus cremate the dead bodies of their relatives soon after their death; they try not to delay if it is avoidable. And it is significant. Cremation destroys all identity and attachment of the dead with their bodies, because they remember their past only through the medium of their dead bodies. The dead body serves as a bridge between the released soul and his past life. So cremation is in the interest of the departed souls.

    When somebody dies suddenly or in an accident, he doesn't know he is dead. For a little while he feels stunned and bewildered to see that he is separated from his body, maybe, something has gone wrong somewhere. It happens because inside the body nothing really dies except that the soul leaves the body. Not a few, but the majority of souls feel utterly confused and confounded soon after their death. No one can figure out why his family members are weeping and crying, why there is so much grief all around, because he feels as much alive as before, except that his body is a little separate from him. It is the body that gives him a sense of continuity, because it is the medium of all his associations with the past. Only meditative people, those who have experienced deep meditation can escape being pulled and bewildered, because they know that they are separate from their bodies.

    Soon after cremation or burial of a dead body the soul is gradually freed from its past memories and associations. It is like we gradually forget our dreams. It is on the reckoning of time taken by different kinds of souls that we have different death rites for our dead. Some people, particularly children take only three days to forget their past associations. Most others take thirteen days; so some communities in the East have thirteen-day long death rites. There are a few souls – souls with very powerful memories – who take a year's time for this purpose. Because of them, some of our death rites are spread over a full year. Three to thirteen days are the general rule, and very few souls survive without bodies for a full year; most of them are reborn with new bodies within a short time.

    A person who dies with awareness, who remains fully conscious and aware at the time of his death, does not die really; he knows he is deathless. He is not dying, he is leaving his old body like we discard old clothes. And a person who attains to such a state of deep awareness is rare; he is free of all attachments and psychological memories. He has neither friends nor foes; he is free of all cravings and desires. He is a class by himself; dying with awareness he will be born with awareness, unencumbered by his past.

    Just as one remembers his past for a while after death, so he does after his new birth too. A newborn child carries with him for a brief time the memories of his previous life as a spirit. But by and by this memory fades away and by the time he learns speaking it is completely lost. It is rare that a child remembers his past life even after he is articulate and able to communicate with others. He is called a freak of nature. He must have been a man of rare memory in his past existence.

    In this context you also want to know if apart from going into it by way of mystical experiences there is any philosophical support for reincarnation. It is only through logic that philosophical evidence in support of reincarnation can be built. But logic suffers from an inherent weakness: it can be used as powerfully both for and against a proposition. If one wants to describe logic rightly, and those who know it well have said so, logic is like a lawyer or a prostitute who goes with anyone who pays the fee.

    There are those who have proved logically and philosophically that reincarnation is a fact, and there are also those who have disproved and blasted this theory with the help or the same weapons of logic and philosophy. Logic is a kind of sophistry; it is like a lawyer who supports the case of anyone who pays his price. He has no viewpoint of his own, but he brings forth his whole reasoning skill to support his client's case. That is why logic is never able to establish anything – although it seems to be convincing at face value – because the contrary point can be made as skillfully with the help of logic. There is no difficulty about it. Logic is a double-edged sword which cuts with ways – for and against a proposition.

    For this reason philosophy can never prove or disprove the theory of reincarnation. Although philosophy can say a lot it can go on saying for thousands of years, it will never succeed in its endeavors. It is like a barren woman who looks to be complete, but cannot give birth to a child.

    Logic has another side to it which is interest ing. You use logic to establish something that you already believe to be true and right. Logic is just a means used to support your assumptions, your pre-suppositions.

    There is a well known professor in an Indian university who is conducting research on rebirth. Only recently he came with a friend of mine to see me. At the very start of his conversation he asserted that he was going to prove the theory of rebirth scientifically. I said to him it seemed his mind was already made up in favor of rebirth and that he was looking for scientific evidence to support it.

    But it was utterly unscientific to accept something before one had fully investigated it from all sides.

    If someone wants to be scientific, he should say that he wants to enquire whether the theory of reincarnation is true or not. If he is going to prove rebirth, it means that he already believes it to be a fact and not a fiction.

    As far as this person is concerned, the matter is already a proven fact for him and he has only to produce some cogent arguments in its support. And arguments can easily be collected and produced; it is not that difficult. If you want to prove the theory of rebirth you can find any number of arguments in its favor. This world is so vast and complex and paradoxical that you can gather all kinds of arguments and evidence for or against anything that you choose to support or demolish.

    Philosophy will never be able to prove or disprove rebirth. So if you make a slight shift in your question, you should ask whether science can shed some light on this very ancient debate.

    Philosophy has failed, and failed utterly. It has been debating this question for five thousand years and nothing has been solved. There are people who believe in rebirth and there are equal numbers who don't believe in it. And no side has been able to convince the other side of the validity of its standpoint.

    It is ironical that you can convince only one who is already convinced; you cannot convince the unconvinced. This is logic's impotence, which it fails to see. You can easily convince a Hindu of the truth of rebirth, because it is part of his belief system. But you will know how impotent logic is when you try to convince a Mohammedan of the truth of this theory. You can easily convince a Christian that there is no rebirth, but you cannot convince a Hindu that it is a fiction. Logic is a skill which works well for those who use it to prove something which they believe to be true. Therefore it is not a right question to ask if rebirth can be proved philosophically. The right question is Is there a way to approach the question of rebirth scientifically?

    Science is pure enquiry; it is objective and impartial. While philosophy and logic have their standpoints for or against a belief, a proposition, science has none. A scientific mind means that it is open and impartial; it wants to find the truth, it is open to both the alternatives, both sides of a thing; it is not closed. Science does not depend on belief. It wants to investigate into the truth or otherwise of a hypothesis. Science is the only discipline prepared to re-examine its own findings and conclusions. Science is prepared for any possibility that an objective enquiry and investigation can lead to.

    Science has only recently begun to take interest in matters like reincarnation. It is only fifty years since psychic societies came into being in America and Europe, and they have done some good work in this direction. A handful of intelligent people with a scientific bent have interested themselves is psychic research. They are not mystics, who have said for a long time that things like life-after- death and rebirth are facts which they have known from experience but cannot prove with arguments."

  10. #10

    Shocking narration. Life threatening.

  11. #11

    I held my wife as she took. Her last Breath. Prey u nvr see that. Haunting me for 14 yrs. ??ever sit some up all warm & change there cloth & put up her hair. & wait for a horse. Wish that on kno 1

  12. #12
  13. #13

    The ALL is mind, the universe is mental

  14. #14

    I have already commented on one of your videos regarding the potential reality of reincarnation. I think that my experience bears repeating though. I remember being murdered in a past life. I was in my mother's arms up until the final moments. My mother was murdered alongside me. She was trying to hide us and I would not stop crying. I have always felt like that was my fault even though I was just a baby. I can't say whether the experience has definitively had a karmic impact on my current life but it absolutely seems so. What I can say for sure is that every meaningful relationship that I have had with women in this life has been extremely tense for me in ways that I am certain would not be the case if I did not have the trauma of that experience seared into my soul the way that it has been. I have become utterly convinced that a big purpose which has always been meant for me in this life is to re-learn how to trust those closest to me, specifically women. And to allow myself to be trusted by them. What happened to me in that life was not my mother's fault and it wasn't my fault. I haven't even now, in my thirties fully contended with the multitude of feelings and even guilt associated with that memory. Perhaps that is my karma.

  15. #15

    What do you think of the more "open identity" approaches taken by philosophers like Arnold Zuboff, Tom C Clark and Daniel Kolak? That essentially there is only one subject of experience, so one's death is really more like a TV channel going out while numerous others continue running and new ones pop into existence.

    I find the views expounded by these philosophers quite interesting, for one because they claim to be agnostic to true nature of mind (i.e. physicalism, dualism, idealism, etc) and seem to work anyway.
    They also seem to resolve the problem of individual continuation in the face of a body that continuesly replaces its own cells.

  16. #16

    As to the last chapter, whether minds can exists without physical bodies: we are not sure what physicality is, it may be a rendering of information that is in itself non-physical, as in, it has no characteristics we would call physical as we understand that term. Maybe physicality is a certain way in which mental activity organizes and structures itself, the body just lets minds interact at this level.

  17. #17

    This A1 vooice ruins thevideoi i lasted 8 minutes. Terrible voice!

  18. #18

    35:11 I believe the answer to the riddle of the ship of Theseus is that there is no ship of Theseus, and there never was. Even the idea of the ship is subject to change over time, just as your own idea of self is subject to change over time. You may inhabit a chronologically congruent physical form continually, but the idea that represents that form is subject to change, and as such we can have no assurance whatsoever as so what ‘self’ even is, or who or what we even are.

    During intense hallucination states the human brain can be subject to extreme psychological changes from even the smallest sensations. It could be that your entire life is simply the extrapolation of a smell and a sound your consciousness perceived one day and that when you die you’ll wake up and immediately be vaulted into another equally complex dreamlike hallucination. The truth of the matter is that with the brain being as influential as it is, we really only are what we think we are, and since thought are immaterial and vague, we are nothing more than the nebulous perception of our physical form. The ship of Theseus is the ship of Theseus only so long as it is the ship of Theseus.

  19. #19

    Who's narrating this vid?😊

  20. #20

    The believe in an afterlife is an example of the stunning arrogance of the human race!

  21. #21

    The ne plus ultra of archaic, superstitious nonsense. Read a science book it will enlighten you.

  22. #22

    Damn it! if the bleeding new age, hippy reincarnation/ crystal healing/ past lives therapy etc crowd get a death-grip hold on these important NDE studies.

  23. #23

    There are a billion ways it could go after our shells give way and only one of them is an eternal black……

  24. #24

    The body is finite, the Soul, which is your consciousness/awareness is infinite. First Law of the Universe, You exist, you can’t not exist, you can transcend the body and change form, plus there’s no room for existence in non-existence. The mind creates this human experience of physical separation when in truth we are all the Source of creation and consciousness experiencing different perspectives of existence within the infinite Universe. I’ve experienced kundalini when the mind becomes still and the heart activates to Oneness with all of creation and there’s a feeling of pure Love and Remembrance of the True Self. You are the Kingdom of Heaven, not your mind. The mind and what we observe, absorb and experience in our life causes us to forget and creates the illusion of separation, which is needed to have this experience. Use your mind to create your preferred reality by being mindful of your thoughts, since thoughts, intentions and actions create reality.

  25. #25

    I like the ideal of oblivion.

  26. #26

    That's not true I was with my husband till his last breath. And then I went to visit him in the funeral home two times and sat by him and stroked his arm and kissed his head told him I loved him.

  27. #27

    wow what youre r saying is exaclty what iv been saying love that

  28. #28

    But who doesn't see any one dead? Is my family the only family to take care of our elders at home until the end? While the hardest two most difficult days, knowing how my Dad and then Mom passed are also treasured days. Are others letting their parents to rot in a nursing home?

  29. #29

    I can say by my personal near death experience I didn't experience any of those things.. I got ran over by a car going 70 mph and was conscious til the ambulance arrived and beyond and it was just a fast blurred experience hard to explain but nothing I would call out of the ordinary.. And for those who think I wasn't near death has no idea lol all my organs should have exploded on impact it was a miracle I survived with only shattered legs broken back and various other broken bones brain was fine

  30. #30

    You get one life to live then the judgement comes live it right in the eyes of God

  31. #31

    Humanity has literally been conned by western religion through fear. Fear is an evil tool used by humanity from day one. Religions is one of man's evil tools!

  32. #32
  33. #33

    The fallen dominoes are still there and will always be… the Foundation of the present and future..

  34. #34

    There is no fear when you over come the myth by the Matrix system just remember the laws of nature still exist in it's real form nothing changes you and i and all is part of the one Form we exist in unity in Death and we are separated by births our ignorance stems from the lost of past memories but the Truth never left us

  35. #35

    Hello, is it possible to add Turkish subtitle ? Thank you,,,🙏🌹

  36. #36

    married my childhood sweet heart at 18 we was married 12 years before she was diagnosed with cancer watching her get slowly eaten away peace by peace by this awful disease to the point she was in alot of pain just to be alive she was very afraid of dying too on her last few seconds of existence i held her hand and told her just let go she was so desperate to cling onto life she didnt care about how much pain she was in she didnt want to die. from that day on i knew there was no god how can a loving god let someone as nice as my wife suffer with all that pain its coming up to 6 years without her im 36 years old im still young enough to start again but true love will never die even though shes gone im still loyal and love my wife she comes into my dreams sometimes every night it makes me excited to fall asleep thats the only time i get to see her again. lifes short tell your loved ones and partners you love them everyday one day they are just gone.

  37. #37

    This is brilliant and incredibly well put-together! Thank you!

  38. #38

    Love your content thank you so much!


    I would like to add to this part of your discourse. "human imagination is an organ of almost imitless potential" from my perspective there seems to be many degrees of limitlessness, some being deeper, brigther or more colorfull than others. So the sentence "the universe is stranger than we can imagine" rings as very true to me considering our imagination to be a mere amalgamation and limitless recombination of our experiences real or imagined.

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