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Nurse Dies; Shown Truth About Creation, Miracles And The Purpose Of Life (NDE)

Feb 2024 12

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⭐ Today’s afterlife experience is from Susanne Seymoure. What started as a normal day at the mountain with family very quickly became their worst nightmare. As horrifying as the accident was, Susanne was blessed with a medical miracle.They say it was impossible for her to have survived this experience, yet she did.

Check Out More Of Susanne’s In Her Book 👉

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🎵BACKGROUND MUSIC licensed through AudioJungle & Epidemic Sound

🎥FOOTAGE licensed through VideoBlocks and Filmpac, except parts about the topic that have been used under fair use.

Disclaimer: This video is taken from an interview by us and our channel, not taken from another channel, and it is all original content.


--CopyRights: https://heruinterface.com/nurse-dies-shown-truth-about-creation-miracles-and-the-purpose-of-life-nde/


  1. #1

    ⭐If you think you might benefit from therapy, consider our sponsor BetterHelp 👉https://betterhelp.com/othersidende and get a 10% discount on your first month of therapy.

  2. #2

    Thank you so much…. ❤

  3. #3

    Your channel is wonderful, thank you. I’m going through very hard times right now and wondering if my life even has meaning. I’m so afraid. These videos give me some hope.

  4. #4

    This was hard to listen to, her tale is incoherent and sounds more like a dreamstate, vague and disconnected. We can conclude she had a lot of emotions, and she sells a book.

  5. #5

    all these sheople satisfied in the complacency of "watchin this video" and bleating …

  6. #6

    "be careful how you talk to people you might be in the presence of an angel" bible codex …

  7. #7

    Beautiful. Thank you for sharing, Suzanne. ❤

  8. #8

    I don’t know who needs to read this. But I hope that you heal from any bad that has ever happened to you, that one day you will find peace and that you may one day reunite with your loved ones or that you find peace from your grief. Remember you are loved by a lot of people.

  9. #9

    Your story gives me hope, I am glad you survived to be able to share your story with us Suzanne ❤

  10. #10

    Beautiful, both you and the experience. Thank you from my heart to yours ❤

  11. #11

    A wonderful story. Trust Jesus. He is love. To be with Jesus forever is a gift that few find, however. It requires a willingness to repent or turn away from sin and acknowledge that Jesus is your Lord and that he died and rose again to wash away your sin. Romans 10:9
    That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

  12. #12

    Nurse Dies; Shown Truth About Evolution, Snake Oil, And The Greediness Of Evangelical Preachers (NDE)

  13. #13

    She wasn’t a nurse when she died… I wish they wouldn’t elaborate to get you to click on it… It’s misleading… Although I love your shows!😊

  14. #14

    My son passed away august 9th 2022 it’s so heartbreaking. I cant wait to see my son again. I love you and miss you so much Nick ❤

  15. #15

    "By sorrow does the Lord dispel sorrow, and by adversity does He destroy adversity"

  16. #16

    Beautiful thank you for sharing ❤️

  17. #17


  18. #18

    Thank you❤❤❤

  19. #19

    Beautiful. My favorite. ❤️

  20. #20

    i dont fear death, i fear how i will die.

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