Near Death Experience | Rejuvenate My Mind | Meditation | Mind Improvement | Mental Relaxation
Have you had a near death experience? What was it like? Listen to this session to make sense of it all.
Every journey starts with a first step, you just made yours.
Here at Rejuvenate My Mind we produce high quality mental improvement listening sessions. All of our prerecorded sessions are available on our YouTube Channel at no charge. Through listening to our audio improvement sessions on a repetitive basis, a person can look forward to overcoming many personal challenges. The use of this therapy has helped a great many people and we are hopeful it can assist you as well.
Rejuvenate My Mind exists to help alleviate the suffering caused by mental challenges in all aspects of life. Through listening to our audio sessions on a repetitive basis, one can expect to see improvement in a relatively short period of time.
We are committed to improving the wellbeing of people across the globe through our mind improvement sessions. We have found that our sessions are a valuable resource in improving the subconscious mind. We provide effective subconscious-mind therapy that is rapidly becoming the most sought-after form of help for problems that are based in the subconscious mind.
It is a gentle, effective therapy that is replacing the more traditional forms of subconscious mind therapies and bringing people permanent relief from problems that they have struggled with unsuccessfully for many years.
The listening sessions provided by Rejuvenate My Mind utilize a person’s own natural, inner abilities to make the changes. We all have the resources that allow us to resolve subconscious problems quickly and easily.
Resolving subconscious causes
When a person is unable to change unwanted feelings, responses, or behaviors through will power or conscious effort, it is usually an indication that those things are the result of negative subconscious emotion. The conscious outer mind is usually unaware of these inner conflicts and while they remain, they have the power to influence us in a negative way.
Our listening sessions can help to resolve these underlying subconscious causes and restore a balance of health and happiness.
To bring about desired changes
The subconscious, or “inner” mind is that more intuitive, creative part of us that holds the key to all our life experiences. It is the part that is in control of all our feelings, our creative imagination, and our ability to meditate and dream. It is the part that allows us to walk down the street, dance or drive a car safely, while our conscious mind is miles away and thinking about something else entirely. It is a part of our “inner self” that oversees our automatic responses, our ability to heal, our ability to experience love, happiness, fear, depression, etc. The audio sessions provided by Rejuvenate My Mind works with this part of the mind to activate natural healing processes and bring the desired changes into the person’s life.
Who Can Benefit from Listening to our Sessions?
Motivational Speakers
Business Executives
Single Mothers
Working Moms and Dads
Depressed persons
Stressed individuals
People who lack confidence
Front Line Workers
Grieving family members
Public figures
People struggling financially
Almost anyone and everyone can benefit from listening to the mind improvement sessions from Rejuvenate My Mind.
What kind of problems can we assist you with?
Alcohol Abuse
Anger – (uncontrolled outbursts)
Anxiety – (and related problems)
Bad dreams – (nightmares)
Bowel problems – (irritable bowels etc.)
Chronic pain
Compulsive behaviors – (OCD)
Concentration problems
Constant worry
Deep unresolved grief
Drug Dependency
Eating disorders – (various types)
Fatigue – (general & CFS etc.)
Insomnia – (and other sleeping problems)
Irrational behaviors
Low self esteem – (& related problems)
Migraine headaches
Panic attacks
Phobias – (Irrational fears)
Sexual difficulties
Skin problems – (psoriasis, eczema etc)
Stop Smoking
Stress & Tension – (includes tension headaches)
Ulcers (and IBS)
Weight problems – (over & under weight)
Visit our website to learn more .
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to stay up to date with our new releases.
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