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Near death experience on skytrain track!

Jul 2024 20


--CopyRights: https://heruinterface.com/near-death-experience-on-skytrain-track/


  1. #1
  2. #2
  3. #3

    Woah when I first saw this there were no comments! So many now!

  4. #4

    We all know he didn't pay and he just went between the doors of the payment area

  5. #5

    If this happened at 12:00AM I can’t say I’m surprised drunk people should not take the SkyTrain because stuff like this are going to happen especially the fact that there are pubs in downtown Vancouver and a lot of people are going home drunk

  6. #6
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  8. #8

    Bro, what if somebody pushed me off the trash I’ll be crying screaming help and I’m so scared to be near the yellow line sometimes in my dreams, I fall off the tracks on the sky train and I’m like oh my God so scared

  9. #9
  10. #10

    Bro had too much of dat gud shit and now he's higher than the goddamn skytrain itself💀

  11. #11

    Was it Drugs

  12. #12
  13. #13
  14. #14

    Blud fell onto the train tracks 💀. For some reason, I fantasized that The train would back up and fly off the tracks and crash into the water causing a seabus to sink into ship.

  15. #15

    Damn dude. I never heard the alarm before or someone going on the tracks. But I thought you'd get electrocuted if you touched the tracks. Maybe the d ude was too messed up to feel anything 😂

  16. #16

    Damn, they need that in New York City

  17. #17

    There is a sensor if someone falls the train has a emergency brake stop

  18. #18

    my ass would've not let him back on. train was on emergency stop anyways

  19. #19

    Did police or any one came to help him or no?

  20. #20

    Haha I ruined the 69 comments. Also he is really ducking drunk

  21. #21

    why did I always think if you touch that you get electrocuted and die immediately

  22. #22

    Bro drank too much💀💀💀

  23. #23

    How is it that he's not aware that he's going near the track but then becomes aware for 5 seconds when getting out of there…and then goes back to not being aware……..

  24. #24

    that’s why u should never be too drunk

  25. #25

    bro? why not go use the emergency stop button before he fell?

  26. #26

    What station is that

  27. #27

    This guy is too drunk to be near the skytrain.

  28. #28

    Well since it happened in Surrey I can't say I'm surprised.

  29. #29

    ”I TOLD YOU DON’T RIDE THE SKYTRAIN AT NIGHT!” oh- wait- how did the tracks feel?

  30. #30

    he may have been drunk

  31. #31

    Wait was he drunk?

  32. #32

    What the hell? Never actually seen this! He triggered an alarm sound that made the SkyTrain stop!

  33. #33

    I m from Dubai…i can create jobs …

  34. #34

    If only they didn’t change the train car/door spacing lengths in 2000, we could have had at least a bit more leverage for platform screen doors!

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