Home > Lost Souls > Near Death Experience I Veteran Dies – What Did God Tell Him? – Ep. 14

Near Death Experience I Veteran Dies – What Did God Tell Him? – Ep. 14

Feb 2024 04

Army Veteran and heart transplant survivor Brian Hoyland died from a massive heart attack, leaving a wife and two young children. As a believer in Jesus as his Lord, he found himself in the presence of Jesus, and what God told him would be striking to most of us, but to Brian it was deeply personal. God told him to “suffer joyfully.” Learn what that means in this video, along with some other deeply personal and revelatory messages that God spoke to Brian. Along his journey, the Lord revealed several of Brian’s experiences that occurred prior to his clinically dying, including both the times he succeeded and the times he failed. But what Brian says about the vignettes of his failures will inspire you to higher level of understanding as to how God sees us. Be blessed with this amazing story of Heaven and God!
_Video, #God, #, #heaven

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  1. #1

    Join our largest LIVE virtual conference ever on November 12th and see Brian Hoyland LIVE! Over 15 of our most popular afterlife survivors will share their stories and answer questions. Need prayer? You can join us and many of our guest speakers in our virtual prayer room during the event. You won't want to miss it. Learn More: https://hopin.com/events/revelations-from-heaven-live-15-speakers-hosted-by-randy-kay Use limited time code "OCT18" for $10 off!

  2. #2

    I brought up NDE while at Bible study, i was shot down by one of the girl's, i said you dont think all these people are lieing, she replyed its not in the bible, when you die your dead you dont come back. 😮

  3. #3

    Powerful hallelujah i enjoy this channel what a blessing

  4. #4

    Praise God. Thank you for this testimony!

  5. #5

    Amazing 🤩 hallelujah 🙏🏼👏🏼

  6. #6

    Just lovely! Thank you both ❤️

  7. #7

    Randy I admire you for letting your guest talk and hardly no interruption from you. And I believe this man it's as if I feel the love of God Hallelujah.❤❤❤

  8. #8

    Wait find Jesus was part Druze this hate his truth people go look up the truth was hidden JRB.JR said that Israel was made by Zionist Please do research

  9. #9

    Great joy is waiting for those who seek the LORD and the LORD is seeking them also to show them His great love and mercy.

  10. #10

    I would like to know how he works with the guy that have mental problems, that he ever talk to him spiritual way ,and talk to them about Jesus our Lord God?

  11. #11

    Paul was saved to give his life to Jesus Christ our Lord God Almighty, people must understand that must give the heart to God and obey him in all good things of the word of God until die to be in heaven with Jesus our Lord God Almighty to have eternity life in a new paradise in heaven, because there will be no more sorrow suffering at all, only will be very happy and peaceful and we be transformed like Angel with a lots of love for the Lord God Almighty Jesus and one onother with his love.

  12. #12

    The Apostol Paul he was a bad guy but The Lord God Jesus appeared to him like sun of the light very strong to blind him, when he ready to go kill his son's and daughters and the light talk to him it was Jesus our Lord God from heaven, and he blind for 3 day until God sand him to a prophet to pray for him and God take way the blindness and God give a message to Him and change his name and Is why his name is Paul and give the message more to him ,that he must go preaching his Gospel the word of God to all nations to be saved, and He did until the Roman's catholic killed him.

  13. #13

    I absolutely love this interview. I’ve been seeking God’s direction for my life and this interview helped me see the direction I need to take. God has shown me I have started to judge people by their appearance and this has brought me fear in moving forward. When God brings a revelation He also brings answers to other issues with it. This helped me see clearer Thank You.

  14. #14

    Briand testimony changed me. Thanks Jesus

  15. #15
  16. #16

    I love the look on your face Randy when these joyful God moments are being told. Your face lights up! The joy of the Lord!

  17. #17


  18. #18

    Randy I always look forward to your guest testimony. I have listen to others and I turn it off knowing it’s not a GOD , JESUS “NDE” when God or Jesus isn’t mentioned but only the light and not seeing any beings. I should say when they never mention God at all. It’s more New Age which isn’t from the Lord

  19. #19

    This testimony causes me to repent and to have forgiveness in my heart

  20. #20

    Yes its like you said your soul knew where it's came from and that it wanted to go back where it came from.Yours in Christ Jesus Peter DeLorey Canada

  21. #21

    Thank you God Jesus for him. I love you and miss you. Please take care of my sweet baby boy. See you soon

  22. #22

    Very nice to listen to your experience….May God continue to Bless you over and over again..AMEN!!!!…
    A sister in Christ, Kim

  23. #23

    this testimony has blessed me immensly….the part where Brian talks about that in the field of psychology we're treated like advanced animals is so true….his perspective on our human condition is beyond academic, its infused with God's love and mercy and is a blessing for all who encounter him…God bless you Brian and Randy for sharing this testimony

  24. #24

    Is it true u r asleep when u die until Jesus returns? Been hearing some preaching on this. Can someone please help me out with this?

  25. #25

    Incredible testimony. Thank you gentlemen!

  26. #26

    When you are blessed, how much more the challenging is the evil opposition you face in this world! And all in all, they are deep seeded with jealousy.

  27. #27

    Thank you Brian for sharing and Randy for your work. Another wonderful and inspiring testimony. The three points which were given to Brian from the Lord Jesus have hit home; 1) Pray more 2) suffer joyfully and 3) be more loving. So Christlike.💗

  28. #28

    Randy I didn't know you live in San Diego. If you have not yet, go to Pizzeria Luigi, it's the very best NY Pizza in So Cal. There are many locations but the one I favor is the Golden Hill location. If you have not been there yet try it, you won't regret it.

  29. #29

    I'm watching (listening) to this over and over as I heal.
    I know that pure love you speak about and He's filling me back up, and healing all the pain since 2014 when my children left me. Scar upon scar being healed as I am reminded of His perfect love that lit my heart a blaze when He filled me with His Spirit on Nov 5 2011.
    For the past 2 years, The Lord has been doing heart/mind surgery on me about "watching my words and making oaths"
    Then it was being extremely careful not to gossip or slander or hurt my neighbor in ANY way. I'm currently under a great trial of remaining unoffended, not defending myself, as i have to relentlessly pray each day before i go in to work tp keep my flesh at bay from prideful defense. even if its with the word of God.. can't bash people period and i pray for the Lord to pour out HIS LOVE through me. .Which seemed to always be followed with, "But Lord, YOU and only YOU can heal me and fill me with Your love again. 😭 I've grown weary.
    You have HIS HEART and I know it because it lives in me and by listening to your testimony over and over, I am being HEALED… My prayers are answered.
    I can't thank you enough and I'll continue to praise my Lord for His awesome love and great Mercy.
    Going to listen to this over and over until all His radiant love has permeated my soul once again. Amen ♥ I love You Jesus!!! 🙏

  30. #30

    Thank you again Randy!! I love so much how you have your guests pray for people at the end of your show ❤️I really appreciate your show!!!

  31. #31

    This really touched my soul. I felt anguish release through my tears. Also Randy, your prayer was beautiful, though I'm a believer… I needed that.
    I had a hear death experience in a dream, and what he said brought back all my memories of the intense love .
    Praise Jesus.

  32. #32

    Thank you for sharing! Blessings ❤️ 🙌

  33. #33

    I wasn't really a church go 'er but I do believe in our Lord mom used to say when it's your time it's your time only God knows when & where great stories God bless 🙏❤

  34. #34

    Revelation 4:3 “The one sitting on the throne was as brilliant as gemstones—like jasper and carnelian. And the glow of an emerald circled his throne like a rainbow.” The colors….

  35. #35

    That’s an amazing testimony.

  36. #36

    He said he saw countless other beings surrounding Jesus. I’m wondering if he got the sense of who they were.

  37. #37

    I read the word "fear" was wrongly interpreted…the real meaning is "awe". That makes more sense. Why would a loving God want us to be fearful of Him?

  38. #38

    Wow glory be to God forever!!!

  39. #39

    Real ghost!!!

  40. #40

    Very curious if Brian was pronounced dead-did his heart stop and his brain did not have activity any longer?

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