Home > Lost Souls > God Let Him See His Wife Again | Near Death Experience | NDE

God Let Him See His Wife Again | Near Death Experience | NDE

May 2024 05

Millions of people have had Experiences (NDEs) and even more, claim to have had Out of Body Experiences (OBEs). These are their . If you have your own you would like to share we would love to hear it.

This is a personal account of a man’s near- experience and his encounter with God after the of his wife. He shares his grief, struggles, and journey toward acceptance, as well as the profound love he experienced in the . Ultimately, he gains clarity and finds hope in the possibility of reuniting with his beloved wife.

If you would like for me to narrate your personal , feel free to email me at heavenawaitsyou2@gmail.com

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For more narrations, please see below.


I Died And Was Given Three Reasons To Return | Leigh’s NDE

I Died And Saw Emerald And Purple Beings | Near- Experience | NDE

I Died And Saw My Previous Lives | Near-Death Experience | NDE

I Died And Met The Angel Lamdiel | Near-Death Experience | NDE


--CopyRights: https://heruinterface.com/god-let-him-see-his-wife-again-near-death-experience-nde/


  1. #1

    For those interested in listening to me preach, feel free to check out my other channel, Awaiting Heaven.


  2. #2

    I lost a very close personal friend of mine on Saturday October 23, 2021. these stories give me hope that I will someday be able to see and hug my friend again.

  3. #3

    I can so relate to this. I want to see my wife. And I am not even old.

  4. #4

    It's. Beautiful story i met my soul mate but couldn't be with her the pain was unbelievable bless you all and leigh gets some spiritual healing done ok and honey and lemon to bless you

  5. #5

    Dear all, do you think this story is real and real?

  6. #6

    I needed this testimony so badly‼️

  7. #7

    Are these stories true?

  8. #8

    I had a massive heart attack 3 days prior to the 1 yr murder date of my soulmate. I called his name and turned my head saying "oh there you are." Then I was looking around thinking it really is dark in here and where am I. There was no walls or floor just pitch darkness. Then I saw a triangler bright light. I thought to myself. that it looked pretty cool and started to proceed to it. Then I was back on the operating table moaning and feeling the electric paddle residue on my side.. What does all that mean? Why was he still behind me? I miss him so much.

  9. #9

    Interesting experience. Here in 'Blighty' My wife Marilyn returned to our natural home during March 2022. We were with one another almost 60 years & were married for over 55 years. She was my one & only love, a rendition of that titled number ( Johnny Hartman/ John Coltrane) played at her day of rest on the anniversary of her birthday. I cursed the man made vaccine that we both endured but never our creator because there is a reason that these things crop up in our lives.
    She had indeed accomplished that she was intended for, she was a raging success as the mother of the four children we had together & that she desired. She informed me of that when she was sure of my seriousness towards her.
    When courting we lived quite a way apart, her in Woking Surrey, myself Reading Berkshire. We would travel by rail on alternate weekends but on a Wednesday I would go over to her place & she would smilingly greet me at Woking station. I obviously still have a function to perform on this planet but I know I will be blessed with that smile & embrace when my time comes.
    I always felt we were twin flames that had been together before this life & would be again into the future. She was the most wonderful thing that ever happened in my life & I constantly thank our creator for the blessed experience.

  10. #10

    It's not just 1 person dies. The other spouse also dead. I cry everyday, every time I pass by places we been together I felt so so sad. I'm in a mess. I stopped eating, my sleep is irregular hours. I smoke a lot. I can't wake to die. Seriously l can't find any interest in anything now. For I miss her so so much. She will never come back. I shall go to her. 😭

  11. #11

    I wishing my husband after two months of his passing just one 🤞

  12. #12

    There are driveways in heaven?

  13. #13

    I just woke up this morning and heard this for the first time. It immediately brought tears rolling uncontrollably down my face as I was having conversations from God understanding that my sweet husband Dave also was suddenly taken away from me four and a half years ago 😔 I also pleaded God to put the life back into my husband as I was standing next to his lifeless body in the hospital. I have been dealing with heavy grief over these pass years and miss my Dave greatly . Dave waited to marry late until he was forty years old and never had any offspring of his own but emotionally except his three step children of his own. Two girls and two boys however the third child being a girl was a still born baby name Victoria she is now with Dave in Heaven. I have three living on Earth. God has been so good to me and has brought visitation dream of Dave to me. I have seen Dave and my daughter through dreams and visions. It brought me great 😊 joy. If your spouse excepted Jesus before death know they are in Heaven waiting for you. If you have also excepted Jesus know you will see them again so understand God knows all things from your heart. Trust in his plans for you and your spouse all will be New again and this life will passway. Look forward for what is in your future dont look behind what you lost.
    Continue to tell your self. This is not over. I will see you again. 😊

  14. #14

    I’ve been so struggling with the thought that I would not be with my husband in heaven. Jesus said in Matthew 22:30, “For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.” This has given me so much hope that I won’t have to be separated from him even after death. I’m so thankful to this man for sharing his experience. It has been something weighing on my heart, and I pray to God that He allows me to be with my Justin for all of eternity.

  15. #15

    No such thing as a soul mate.

  16. #16

    Thank you so comforts me listening to this bring tears to me , so beautiful, i think loved one are waiting for us , i believe x

  17. #17
  18. #18

    Just lost my husband of 26 years and it’s been so painful. My heart aches to be with him. I don’t understand why he had to go so soon or why God didn’t give us a time to say goodbye. There are so many questions but this story has helped me tremendously. I listened to it over and over again. I would love to see my husband again for one last time just to hug him and tell how much I love and miss him and how empty life is without him.

  19. #19

    I just lost my husband 40 days ago. I took my 3 months old baby to his gave crying there every day . I know that deep grief…..

  20. #20

    There is no marriage in heaven mark 12:24

  21. #21

    Soulmate and raise kids that sounds like a drink, and a bland cup of coffee so much more to life than that pull out all the stops

  22. #22

    awwww…….i can relate to this mans agony.

  23. #23

    I just love how God operates.

  24. #24

    I’m sorry but this one is definitely fake

  25. #25

    Ty for this video. I miss my husband who died last November so much. It hurts

  26. #26

    why is the story in the link I'll add so similar with this one – they just swapped wive's and husband's places ??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmWkJ5ejqsQ

  27. #27

    These Heaven stories confirms so much and gives us hope, a longing to be in God's presence for the rest of eternity.

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