Home > spiritual, Spiritual Herbs, Video > Dr. Llaila Afrika's herb “Cancacare/Blood Purifier” 🎯Herbs will heal you🎯 Eat More Fruits&Veggies🎯

Dr. Llaila Afrika's herb “Cancacare/Blood Purifier” 🎯Herbs will heal you🎯 Eat More Fruits&Veggies🎯

Apr 2024 04

Shalom shalom Israel.!!. This is a video I wanted to share about my experience using Dr. Llaila Afrika’s herbal formula for purifying your blood.!!. I definitely suggest everyone try it.!!. It is only a 15-day detox, however considering my history of never using natural herbs as well as terrible eating habits I decided to do an additional bottle.!!. I suggest we study herbs, add a herbal supplement to our daily routine as well as change bad eating habits.!!. #DrLlailaAfrika #Herbs #Healing #NaturalHealing #DietarySupplements #Supplements www.llailaafrika.com And yes I did say foots with my silly self.. Lol 😆 it said foot.!!. The Most High is still working on me 😁

Here’s a quick look at some of Dr. Llaila Afrika’s supplements and books. I am only familiar with his book called “Health Dictionaries” this is a book I suggested a couple of years ago. This is a simple guide to understanding/overstanding how to get the most out of what you eat. This book is less than $15.00 and will help you learn about:
🎯What specific fruits and vegetables to eat for healing certain illnesses
🎯Amino Acids
Also includes charts and further information on:
🎯Acid foods
🎯Alkaline foods
🎯An Ideal pH “range of acceptance”
🎯An acid/alkaline classification
sympathetic action/parasympathetic action
🎯pH of organs and tissues
🎯Standard for vitamins
🎯Balancing vitamins and minerals
🎯Protein daily allowance
🎯Drugs, vitamins, and mineral loss

🎯 Remember your supplier
and watch what he supplies🎯
🎯APTTMH/All Praises To The Most High🎯
3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
Ecclesiastes 38:4-7 Reads On This Wise:
(4) The LORD hath created medicines out of the earth; and he that is wise will not abhor them.
(5) Was not the water made sweet with wood, that the virtue thereof might be known?
(6) And he hath given men skill, that he might be honoured in his marvellous works.
(7) With such doth he heal men, and taketh away their pains.
Shalawam Beloved of The Most High Yah ❣️


--CopyRights: https://heruinterface.com/dr-llaila-afrikas-herb-cancacare-blood-purifier-%f0%9f%8e%afherbs-will-heal-you%f0%9f%8e%af-eat-more-fruitsveggies%f0%9f%8e%af/


  1. #1

    Wow praise the Most High sista thanks for sharing a piece of your trial and giving us this helpful healthful encouragement 🌸 👍🏽 💕

  2. #2

    My granny says "foots". I love it when she says it. Keep doin ya thang miss lady!

  3. #3

    Great review! Thank you. How long did you wait for delivery?

  4. #4

    Hey!! Been on Dr Afrika for awhile. And want to support him and his line but I cant find any ingredients listed on his website for all of his herbal lines. Do you have a reference for where his ingredients list are??

  5. #5

    Good natural remedies

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