Home > Lost Souls > Covid Near Death Experience Allows Him to Hear God's Voice & See God's Hand – EP55

Covid Near Death Experience Allows Him to Hear God's Voice & See God's Hand – EP55

Oct 2022 31

When Ken Chinn entered the hospital with a deadly infection from the Covid-19 virus, doctors wanted to immediately place him on a ventilator. Ken looked at his odds of coming off the ventilator, and said “no.” What happened was a spiraling downward effect such that the staff expected him to die with close to zero chance of surviving. During this time Ken felt the hand of God. He actually heard God’s audible voice. This inspiring and biblically centered account will leave you with the miraculous wonder of God’s infinite grace and mercy. To reach Ken Chinn: Kenchinn.com and a link to his book An Encounter with the Healer: Https://a.co/d/2MQdsgo.
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--CopyRights: https://heruinterface.com/covid-near-death-experience-allows-him-to-hear-gods-voice-see-gods-hand-ep55/


  1. #1

    God we’ll never turn his ear from a broken an contrite spirit. God wants to show us how real he is when your in the valley psalms 23: it’s awesome to see God move in your situation .

  2. #2

    Covid-19 was a depopulation agenda from start to finish

  3. #3

    I wish I knew someone to talk with like this…. well, it's Jesus isn't it.

  4. #4

    The one who had that ChinaLab make that sickness has to be one with the devil. We had 3 to die on this one road way out in the country. Every time I think of all those senior citizens dying such a painful death and no family members allowed to come inside the nursing home or hospital. God is so good to us. Now they are trying to spread stuff to animals

  5. #5

    I love this man's love of the scriptures and clinging to the promises. Glory to God

  6. #6

    From around 38:40 to 38:50 you can see two little dots of light a couple of seconds apart fly in front of Randy's shirt. The second one is brighter. It might be explainable, but I noticed that.

  7. #7

    Just for the record when a doctor asks you go on a vent your lungs are so far gone it’s the only way to keep you alive. Vents don’t kill people covid lungs does. But Jesus is greater then covid amen 🙏🏼

  8. #8

    Thank you Randy for your amazing Life after Death experiences, they give me great comfort, I love them. If ok to mention I've not heard God say Covid it's real yet. I've seen so much research to show it was organised and that something else is going on e.g. people had underlying health issues, eating traditional western diet so plenty of dairy and salt in food this leads to illness as mucus forming and brings about colds and if the person is dehydrated can bring about flu. This may seem very strange what I'm saying but my teachings have proven time and again what I'm saying is true. The people I know who had no vxs some ate dairy and got what we call colds, others like myself no illness at all because I control my health through the food and fluids I eat and drink. They released 5G and lots of chemtrails as well, how do we know what the true cause is? many get flu after flu vax then what if the PCR tests are unreliable which the inventor Kary Mullis allegedly said they pick up anything. If amplified to 40 you get a positive result and Fauci even as much admitted this who is not the expert he pretends to be either. I have no doubt that people have been very ill but I do not believe it's spread person to person/viral. It's more likely people are manifesting illness that they may already were going to have, how were they treated in hospital? big question on that one as I've heard some scary stories. Anyway, this whole thing enable a global takeover of our freedoms and human rights and it's getting worse by a group of evil beings. I know someone in nursing and she said they had their normal bronchitis patients coming in 2020 when it was claimed hospitals were inundated with C patients.our hospital car parks were virtually empty. The question is were they given false positive results to get no.s up? Certain people behind this were funding local authorities, BBC etc. I'm only bringing this up because the evil beings running this planet will try every kanieving way they can to get us under control. People have sent DSAR's off to funeral parlours to find out the death count in 2020 was hardly any difference than previous years yet after the vxs were rolled out the no.s increased and that allegedly included children. 3 Funeral directors came out publicly to clarify this. Repetition is the mother of all skills, providing there is skill in the repetition if you have those that people look up to telling you many times for long enough and back it up with their own bought and paid for scientists etc. then you grow to believe it. Now normal colds, flues and other lung conditions don't seem to exist, just seems to be one cause now. Many professional people were exposing the truth and they were being taken off the internet or targeted for mental health frauds. Blessings to all human kind and very happy this man overcame his illness. Just to add, I've not had an NDE, once I woke up and saw an image of Jesus over my face, it was very quick, I was lying down and his face was above mine. I've also had psychic type dreams that came true.

  9. #9

    PSA. 118:17 " I shall not die but live and declare the goodness of the Lord"

  10. #10

    A wonderful testimony of our Lords grace and tender care.

  11. #11

    Praise God for being very present in your desperate time of need! Thank you so much for sharing it made me feel better about what might happen when it's my time to leave this world and it brought me so much peace. May God bless you and your family love your sister in Christ

  12. #12

    That's exactly where covid was invented by the devil and his demons. We need to be repenting continually daily, because we don't know when our time is up and we are moved on to somewhere in eternity – It's either Heaven or Hell – which will it be , light or dark???

  13. #13

    Excellent a timely word we truly are dependent upon God for every breath we take it is His breath the Ruach ha kodesh / Holy Spirit

  14. #14


  15. #15


  16. #16

    10 plagues in egypt .. did ANY hebrew get it ? NO
    Covid .. is meant for God's children ? NO
    Means if you get covid .. you better take stock of yr christian position in Christ.
    — are you living by The Law ?
    — if you claim the false teaching that The Law is ' no longer necessary ' .. then you hv the licence to sin yr way into heaven .. yeah sure.

  17. #17

    My husband died of Covid I January 7,22. It was so hard on me, because I have been with him 42 years. I am 62 at the time and he died 1 month after his 70 birthday. I wish he knew God more. I find my self praying for his soul even though he is dead.

  18. #18
  19. #19

    That was excellent! One of your best interviews!

  20. #20

    My Heavenly Father spoke to me audibly, yes He did!!!! He identified who He was and said, "He love me very much " as he loves all of His children!! Accept Jesus Christ, for He is the way to the Father!!

  21. #21

    My brother was a very healthy athlete. A bishop too. He has been in many marathons and Iron man competitions. He was on a ventilator and expected to die of Covid but he heard God say, "You're not done yet, now get back to work"

    We did lose an uncle to Covid He was in his late 60's. A Husband and Father of 6. He's with his two lil girls who passed away many years ago. I'll never forget how broken 💔 he was when he lost the second one. She was struck by a car. The first died of Sids. I was too little to remember the 1st.
    It comforts me to know that they are reunited again.

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