Cameroon : The Most Peaceful Country Of Africa
Jun 2024
“island of peace”; one of the most peaceful countries in the continent and themost peaceful in the region. This sometimes justifies the high rate of refugeeinflux in the country, since it’s ‘seemingly peaceful’ nature makes it the firstchoice for most refugees fleeing from wars in their countries. However, acritical analysis of this haven of peace, Cameroon, may transform this blinded perception into greater caution and ignite positive actions towards restoring andsafeguarding genuine and durable peace in the country.
A 52′ documentary directed in 2003 by Eric Elléna –
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8 months agoIslamic religion is the worst religion ever
8 months agoPeaceful with no peace
8 months agoHow old is this documentary? Looks like it was filmed in the 1980s of something
8 months agoCertainly,the author of this documentary, does not know the Cameroon he's talking about. Except he will redifine the word peace
8 months agoHow this narrative on this YouTube felt apart so fast. When said Cameroun is peaceful you look at the surface
8 months agoGod help me to be a blessing
8 months agoMy grandfather was black man. But I’m asian and lived my whole life in Japan.
African are the ancestors. We have to protect Africa at all costs.
8 months agoThank God no war 😂😂😂😂😂
8 months ago"Your perception of the world is a Reflection of your mental disposition". Marcus Aurelius – The Meditations.
8 months agoReligion and Western education are a curse.
8 months agoThere are many peacefull countries in Africa… Cameroon is not the most peacefull… Namibia, Botswana, Rwanda, Burundi, Senegal, Lesotho,Zimbabwe are all peacfull….
8 months agoI'm scratching my head at this documentary. A peaceful country, where?? Wars are not not only physical , but also in show up in cultural, psycholocial and ideological ways like imported religions of islam and christianity bring. It doesn't look like the country's internal issues were resolved at the core. It would be nice to have people embrace their ancenstral roots without the ideologial noise external religions bring with its destructive consequences. What happened to the spiritual sciences native to the tribes with an unbroken connection? I think those need to come back.
8 months agoHello. I love your videos.
8 months agoBreaking News: BOKO HARAM, NOSO …❤️🩹
8 months agoi LOVE AFRICA ❤
8 months agoPeaceful country my foot . The same country in which Africans are killing each other , for speaking english or french ……… two colonizer languages . Not to mention their wheelchair misleader Paul Biya , one of Macron's puppets on the African continent .
8 months agoYes, Jesus is God! There is no other way to Heaven! All must believe on Jesus Christ for eternal life.
8 months agoI thought this documentary from title, was about the society of Cameroon, like economy, politics, job, leisure but it really just focused on religion.
8 months agoFormer german colony
8 months agoThe first ones I've seen in my life❤
8 months agothis is fake right? isn't there an ongoing conflit in the english speaking regions for 6 years now?
8 months agothis region had so many resources than can make the country rich since ancient time this contenent home of the rich civilization to bad now the leaders dont even have the ability even 1% of ancient kings,maybe western country destroy thier pride and pollute thier ideas
8 months agoBullsht documentary
8 months agoJoel embiid ❤
8 months agoCameroon is soooo great that undocumented Cameroonians in America can apply for temporary protective status. Cameroon is a KLEPTOCRACY. The dictator PAUL BIYA has ruled since 1982. He needs to go. The GDP of Cameroon has not been higher that it was in 1986. Cameroon is suffering from 40 years of political and economic destruction. I have no idea what country this video is talking about.
8 months agoHa, Ha, Ha…. what about the coup of 1984? Or the on-going war in the north (Boko Haram) or the Anglophone separatist rebellion?
Puel v. Kirdi– the Puels came from Nigeria. (aka Fulani) Kirdi is an offensive term. The violence of Nigeria has spread into cameroon. The lamidot of Rai Boba is a pre- modern dictator, not someone to respect this video is a complete piece of marde…. I am giving up… what nonsense.
8 months agoI really love such content. it lets me see and know how it is in your location.
8 months agoUsing drugs and fighting demons, isn’t that the truth around the world.
8 months agoLa republique du cameroun could have been a beautiful place, were it not for paul biya, their very violent brutal dictator of cameroun, who declared a fratricidal war against the English Speaking Minority of Southern Cameroons and has slaughtered innocent thousands to maintain his fake one and indivisible cameroun which does not exist. The most peaceful country in africa just became the pit of hell for English Speakers fleeing for their dear lives as biya's continues killing them.
8 months agoYou should have blurred out the nudity. It was foolish of you to show these naked women. Now I cannot watch the rest of it.
8 months agoThe doom and gloom perspective of the narrator is more reflective of his own mind and heart than the people shown in the video.
8 months agoEvils!!????? 🤔😏😏 According to whom?
8 months ago17:00 the woman fell out because of lack of oxygen, food, or blood going to her brain. It has absolutely nothing to do with that Italian on the cross. To see people believing in this instead of understanding the body's basic health requirement, it leaves them subject to religious and economic abuse. That money is flowing out of Camaroon to Italy and Mecca.
8 months agoIt's amazing that France's evil hand has not taken lives in Cameron
8 months agoThe title of this documentary is deceiving and misleading. At the time of publish, cameroon was at war and is still at war as of today Oct 29, 2022. Fighting boko haram terrorist in the north, fighting armed separatist in the north west and southwest regions of cameroon. The constant human rights abuse is alarming. The country has known no peace since 1990. This is the media that misleads people.
8 months agowish this was still true today
8 months agoColonial masters are responsible
8 months agoLol. This did not age well. They're in the middle of a civil war
8 months agoLess than 20 years later and religion has them in the midst of a civil war¡ #PredictingPeace #NotAProphet
8 months agoThe documentary was made decades ago but the issues arising then are still the same today all across Africa. The professor is right. We need to change the political systems of Africa otherwise we will be ruined. It's the same across the continent for instance in my country Zambia we do not have the Islamic religious parallel to spark tensions. We are 99% Christians but we have similar problems of corruption, injustices and economic deprivation all because of outdated political systems.
8 months agoNothing is better for you bcoz you believe in "Christianty nonsense…"Wood and Stone something your ancestors NEVER believed in….
8 months agoCameroon, Nigeria and Ghana we're the highest affected during the slave era so it's no doubt if we make the total population of black Americans
8 months agoHello good morning here
If anyone reading my text die without believing in prophet Kacou Philippe then he/she will go to hell am just here to inform u about this infaillible truth
8 months agoAre you living in space or in Cameroon for you call Cameroon the most peaceful country in Africa? That terminology used to be in the past but not anymore
8 months agoAfrica’s just gettin’ a bit too peaceful
8 months agoCameroon is a beautiful country!
8 months agolies again
8 months agoI am 16 per Cameroon Shalom family Jackie in FL
8 months agovoodooism keeps the country calm.